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University of Tasmania (UTAS)

The University of Tasmania (UTAS) is a public research university and Australia’s fourth oldest, established in 1890. UTAS is ranked #1 globally for climate action according to the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2022 and 2023.

CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B
Institution Type: Government
Total capacity across all provider's locations: 9493
University Of Tasmania

Why University of Tasmania (UTAS)?

Globally Ranked for Climate Action:

UTAS is a world leader in sustainability initiatives, making it a great choice for environmentally conscious students.

Diverse Programs:

UTAS offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines.

Vibrant Campus Life:

UTAS boasts a stimulating and internationalized campus environment.

Internationally Recognized:

UTAS attracts students from over 140 countries, providing a rich cultural experience.

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Campuses of the University of Tasmania (UTAS)

The University of Tasmania boasts a multi-campus structure spread across Tasmania and mainland Australia, offering students a diverse learning environment. Here’s a list of the UTAS campuses:

Campus Location State
AMC Sydney NSW
Cradle Coast TAS
Darlinghurst NSW
ECA Melbourne VIC
Hobart TAS
Launceston TAS
Rozelle NSW

University of Tasmania Course Offerings

Course NameSorted by Ascending Level Duration (Wks)
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) Advanced Diploma 156
Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Nautical Science) Advanced Diploma 182
AMC - Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management) Bachelor Degree 155
AMC - Master of Philosophy Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Associate Degree in Agribusiness Associate Degree 104
Associate Degree in Applied Business Associate Degree 104
Associate Degree in Applied Science Associate Degree 104
Associate Degree in Arts Associate Degree 104
Associate Degree in Global Logistics and Maritime Management Associate Degree 104
Associate Degree in Music Associate Degree 104
Associate Degree in Science Associate Degree 104
Bachelor of Agricultural Science Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Agricultural Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 208
Bachelor of Agriculture (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture and Business) Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering) Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Applied Science (Nautical Science) Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Applied Science (Professional Honours in Conservation Management) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Applied Science (Professional Honours in Environmental Geospatial Science) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Architecture & Built Environments Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Arts Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law Bachelor Degree 260
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws Bachelor Degree 260
Bachelor of Biomedicine Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Business Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) Bachelor Degree 104
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Design Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Economics Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Economics (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Education - Early Childhood Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Education - Primary Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Education (Primary) Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 208
Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 208
Bachelor of Engineering Technology Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Maritime) Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Environmental Design (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Geospatial Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Global Logistics & Maritime Management Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Information and Communication and Technology and Bachelor of Science Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Information Systems Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Justice Studies Bachelor Honours Degree 156
Bachelor of Justice Studies with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine Bachelor Degree 182
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor Degree 182
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science with Honours (Specialisation) Bachelor Honours Degree 208
Bachelor of Maritime Engineering (Specialisation) (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 208
Bachelor of Media and Communication Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Media and Communication with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Medical Research Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Medical Research with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine Masters Degree (Extended) 260
Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Bachelor Degree 260
Bachelor of Music Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Music (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Natural Environment & Wilderness Studies (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Natural Environments and Conservation Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Natural Environments and Conservation and Master of Protected Area Conservation Masters Degree (Coursework) 208
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Nursing (Accelerated) Bachelor Degree 104
Bachelor of Nursing (Fast Track) Bachelor Degree 104
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Nutrition Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Pharmacy Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 208
Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 156
Bachelor of Philosophy Bachelor Degree 78
Bachelor of Psychological Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 208
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor Honours Degree 260
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws Bachelor Degree 260
Bachelor of Social Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Social Work with Honours Bachelor Degree 208
Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Science Bachelor Degree 156
Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Science with Honours Bachelor Honours Degree 52
Diploma of Arts Diploma 52
Diploma of Fine Arts Diploma 52
Diploma of Global Logistics and Maritime Management Diploma 52
Diploma of Legal Studies Diploma 52
Diploma of Music Diploma 52
Diploma of Music Diploma 52
Doctor of Business Administration Doctoral Degree 156
Doctor of Education Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Health Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture and Urban Environment) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Building Services Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering) Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Arts) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Dementia Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Earth Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Electronic Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Geomatic Engineering) Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Law) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Management and Commerce) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Management) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Craft Operation) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering and Technology) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Studies) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Astronomy) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Antarctic Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Quantitative Marine Science) and Graduate Diploma of Quantitative Marine and Antarctic Science Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Philosophy (Structural Engineering) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) and Graduate Certificate in Research Doctoral Degree 208
English Language Program Non AQF Award 70
Exchange Program Non AQF Award 22
Exchange Program Non AQF Award 52
Foundation Studies Program (Extended) Non AQF Award 40
Foundation Studies Program (Fast Track) Non AQF Award 17
Foundation Studies Program (Standard) Non AQF Award 36
Graduate Certificate in Behavioural Insights Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Business Studies Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Finance Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Maritime Engineering Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Maritime Management Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Marketing Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Social Care (International Pathway) Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Certificate in Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Graduate Certificate 26
Graduate Diploma in Counselling Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma in Marketing Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Applied Science Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Environmental Planning Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Finance Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Information and Communication Technology Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Land Surveying Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice Graduate Diploma 26
Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Maritime Engineering Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Maritime Management Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Strategic Communication Graduate Diploma 52
Graduate Diploma of Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Graduate Diploma 52
International First Year Diploma - Business Diploma 26
International First Year Diploma - Science Diploma 26
Introductory Academic Program (IAP- 4-6 weeks) Non AQF Award 6
Master of Agricultural Science Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Agriculture and Food Sciences (Specialisation) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Applied Science (Agricultural Science) (C/w) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Applied Science (Biological Sciences) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Applied Science (Chemistry) (C/w) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Applied Science in Aquaculture Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Architecture Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Architecture Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Arts Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Biomedical Science Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Maritime and Logistics Management) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Business Administration (International) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Business Administration in Maritime Management Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Commerce Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Design Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Economic Geology (C/W) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Economics Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Education Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Engineering (Maritime Design) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Engineering Science Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Environmental Geospatial Science Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Environmental Studies Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Finance Masters Degree (Coursework) 78
Master of Finance Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Finance (Specialisation) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Fine Arts Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Health Service Management Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Information Technology and Systems Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Laboratory Medicine Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Laws Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Logistics Management Masters Degree (Coursework) 78
Master of Logistics Management (Advanced) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Marine and Antarctic Science Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Maritime Engineering (Advanced) Masters Degree (Coursework) 78
Master of Maritime Engineering (Professional) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Marketing Management Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Marketing Management (Advanced) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Medical Science Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Medical Science (Dementia Studies) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Medical Science (Health) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Music Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Nursing Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Occupational Therapy Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Pharmaceutical Science Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Pharmacy Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Philosophy (Marine Conservation) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Philosophy (Marine Craft Operation) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering and Technology) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Engineering) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Philosophy (Maritime Logistics Management) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Physiotherapy Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Planning Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Professional Accounting Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Professional Accounting - Specialisation (C/w) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Professional Engineering (Specialisation) Masters Degree (Coursework) 156
Master of Protected Area Conservation Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Psychology (Clinical)(Coursework) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Public Health Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Science (Biological Sciences) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Chemical Sciences) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Computer Engineering) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Computing) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Earth Sciences) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Natural and Physical Sciences) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Physics and Astronomy) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Science (Social Sciences) Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Social Work Masters Degree (Research) 104
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Speech Pathology Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Strategic Communication Masters Degree (Coursework) 107
Master of Teaching Masters Degree (Coursework) 104
Master of Tourism, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Masters Degree (Coursework) 107

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